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Ways To Reduce The Toxic Load In Your Home

And reduce risks to your personal health

Did you know that our bodies all contain parabens, and we all contain plastic? Many current and alarming health trends, like declining fertility and increased cancer, can be traced back to environmental chemicals.

These chemicals are everywhere, but most commonly found in the home! Your hair, skin, makeup products, your laundry detergent and yes - cleaning products.

The cleaning industry can be held to a higher standard. Actually, all industries can be held to a higher standard. The more demand for fragrance free and sustainable products there is, the more accessible and affordable these products will become. Regular grocery store cleaning products can cause side effects like asthma, eczema and other health issues directly resulting from the chemicals they contain.

Choosing to live a lifestyle that does not cause harm can be difficult to navigate because virtually all name brand products in the grocery store for beauty, hygiene, cleaning and even food, contain one of the 4000 unstudied and harmful synthetic chemicals that are sold.

It’s not just cleaning products - literally all household products are putting our health at risk. In a recent study, parabens and phthalates were linked directly to breast cancer in women who used common beauty and hygiene products.The good news was that once these products were discontinued, the women no longer had the breast cancer risk.

Here are a few easy ways to reduce exposure to household toxins:

  • Try to avoid synthetic fragrance - opt for fragrance free or plant fragrances like essential oil that do not contain synthetic fragrance.

  • Try to avoid plastics and forever chemicals - this is a hard one, but replacing cookware and dishes with glass, stainless steel, 100% ceramic and cast iron can be a good start.

  • Try to avoid lotions, and opt for regular oils. Jojoba, MCT oil and coconut oil work well on skin.

  • Opting for fragrance free and chemical free body soaps and shampoos like baby castile soap can not only reduce your exposure to toxins but save you a ton of money over time.
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